Grant Applications

As a charity, The Co-Group (TCG) is proud to be able to work with and donate funds to innovative and caring Australian charities working at the frontline to enhance the lives of people with disability and older Australians who are in need.

Each year The Co-Group invites applications from public benevolent institutions (PBIs) who are working at the front line and who are suitable recipients for TCG grants. The potential recipients are reviewed to determine alignment with TCG’s mission and goals. TCG works with each successful recipient on the design of their programs to ensure the recipient and TCG can work together to meet their common goal of improving the lives of people with a disability or who are aged and in need.

Grant Process

The Co-Group has a two step grant application process:

  1. Submit an Expression of Interest on the link provided on The Co-Group website.
    Expressions of Interest open on 1 March and close 31 March
  2. Invitation to submit an application
    Once The Co-Group has reviewed the Expressions of Interest, selected organisations will be invited to submit a full application and to meet with The Co-Group.
    Full applications will open on 1 April and close on 15 April

From this point, The Co-Group will go through its own process of assessment which will include TCG Board approval. Successful applicants will be contacted by The Co-Group and invited to enter into a Collaboration Agreement which will set out the terms and conditions of the grant.

Range of Grants

A majority of grants are expected to be in the $10,000 - $50,000 range.


Applicants should be a public benevolent institution (PBI) being a charitable institution whose main purpose is to relieve poverty or distress. Applicants must be registered and recognised by the ACNC and ATO as a subtype of charity.

Grants are intended for community organisations and social enterprises working with the aged or people with a disability in a way that reflects The Co-Group’s priorities and focus areas.

More about The Co-Group’s priorities and focus areas

Priority will be given to initiatives that:

  • Relate to the support of people with disability where the NDIS funding does not cover needs.
  • Relate to the support of older care people where the Aged Care funding does not cover needs.
  • Support people who are aged or living with a disability in a home situation and are in need.

Focus areas

  • Community based counselling and home care support
  • Services that enhance quality of life in a home situation

The most common questions

More information on grants and applications.

Do you fund existing projects?
Do you accept hard copy applications/reports or applications submitted via email?
What happens once the application is received?
What am I expected to provide with my application?
Why was my application unsuccessful?
My organisation was awarded a grant, what are my obligations?
Can I use the funding for another project if my original one falls through?

Standard Grant Conditions:

The Co-Group strongly believes that the provision of its grant is part of a collaborative relationship based on the shared aim of achieving the success of the grant recipient’s program and The Co-Group’s mission.

This means that, among other things (including those set out in the Collaboration Agreement between you and The Co-Group):

  • You must use the entire grant exclusively for the program as agreed with The Co-Group and described by your application. Grants should not be used for any other purposes without The Co-Group’s consent.
  • The provision of the grant is based on a strong level of collaboration, openness and mutual commitment in pursuing shared objectives and overcoming obstacles together.
  • You, together with The Co-Group, are committed to honest and transparent communication with each other and acknowledge that there should be “no surprises”; as such, you commit to informing The Co-Group as soon as practicable about all matters The Co-Group should reasonably be made aware of in connection with your program.
  • You must ensure that you, and your employees and agents do not bring The Co-Group into disrepute in any way.